In a world where machines are increasingly replacing the employment of people, we have to create new lifestyles. Passive income is an excellent way to earn money in such a world. It is derived from a rental property, limited partnership, or another enterprise in which a person is not actively involved. Nowadays, these organizations are mostly managed by public corporations. But soon, more and more autonomous organizations will arise because of the rapid development of artificial intelligence and the blockchain technology.
Based on this development, it could be possible to develop whole companies that work autonomously for people who don’t want to or can’t work anymore. So it could be a new business model for engineers to develop such companies for costumers.
But how could such an organization work internally?
Current neural networks can already evaluate the aesthetics of an image, so it will not take long until neural networks can also evaluate the appeal, usefulness, and other factors of a product. A combination of
- Optimization Algorithms
- Artificial Intelligence
- Simulations
- APIs to marketplaces like Amazon
could be enough to run such organizations autonomously. Figure 1 illustrates an Autonomous Organization Framework. The holder inputs a number of assets and configures what the autonomous organization should do. The AO calibrates itself; then, it interfaces with Google Trends to analyze markets. Its analysis could find out that it is currently a profitable moment to sell remote-controlled cars. It could then use social media platforms to find popular models, and search other websites for the toy construction plans. After that, it could access online shops to extract the needed components, simulating many different combinations (optimizing via evolutionary algorithms, evaluating the product via deep learning and, finally, forecasting) to build a competitive RC-car. After constructing the product, it could be sold via the Amazon API.
Besides such manufactory organizations, it would be probably easier to implement services like e-learning schools first. For example, an online school that teaches costumers how to dance salsa or bachata. From one of my previous posts, you already know how easy it is to develop a neural network that can differentiate between-song genres. It would also be possible to develop a classifier that can be detected if a person is dancing salsa or not.
I really prefer to have especially in social environments people instead of machines in control. But what is with my previous post about language table organizations? It would be much work to automate every single step of such an organization, but it could still be possible.
* This whole framework is for now just a general idea. Such organizations work probably better in a field where the competitive environment is not changing too much.